Nominations for At-Large District Members of Annual Conference

Is God Calling You to Serve in 2025?
At the Sunday, November 17, Coastal Virginia District Conference via Zoom, the agenda will include nominations for a three-year term on each team: District Strategic Team, District Leadership Board, and approval of the District Board of Ministry and District At-Large Members to Annual Conference, which will be held in Roanoke June 12-14, 2025. We are looking for people who feel called to share their gifts with the district for these important positions.
- For the District Strategic Team, people who are strategic and visionary, in touch with the community throughout the district, have a history of growing ministries or businesses, real estate experience, entrepreneurial spirit, and not afraid of experimentation are needed.
- For the District Leadership Board, people who ware analytical, like numbers and polices, are not afraid to accountability, and are big picture thinkers are needed.
- For the District Board of Ministries, people who can help us plan and implement district training events. WE would like to bring innovative training to our district, and utilize the gifts within our district to train others. Ministry teams that make up the Board of Ministries will create goals and hold each other accountable to those goals. Persons interested should be good communicators, and help us share within the local congregations and ministries training opportunities and disseminate information.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving on any of these boards or as an At-Large Member to Annual Conference, we encourage you to click the appropriate link below to complete a Nominations Recommendation form! Please note that completing a Nominations form does not guarantee a nomination for 2025.
- For the Leadership, Strategic Team, and Board of Ministry please complete the applicable Nominations Recommendation Form by Friday, October 18. All interested clergy and laity are encouraged to complete a form.
- For the District At-Large Lay Member to Annual Conference position, please complete the Nominations Recommendation Form by Monday, October 28, 2024.
Feel free to share this information with people in your congregation. Should you need assistance with completing the form, please contact or 757-331-6729. Thank you in advance for your support of the Coastal Virginia District!
District Nominations: Leadership Board, Ministry Board and Strategic Team